3.7.2 Descriptive Statistics
3.7.2 descriptive statistics
this section first presents results of the vocabulary pre-test and then the descriptive data of the two listening tasks. table 10 presents the average scores of the participants' self-reported knowledge of the ten words targeted for incidental vocabulary acquisition studies.
table 10 average of the participants' knowledge of the target words in the pilot study
as shown in the table above, two words, available and optimistic, reached an average of above 2 (4=i know the word well and can use it correctly; 0=i do not know the word at all), which meant half of the students may have already known these two words before the study, so the statistical data might not reflect the true acquisition. to achieve a more reliable analysis, in descriptive data the scores of the three vocabulary tests are presented in terms of percentage, with the already-known words subtracted from the total scores on the posttests.
another factor that had to be considered was the different amounts of time spent with each group. group a (listening one time) took 4 minutes, group b (listening three times) took 11 minutes, and group c (listening three times+pre-listening discussion) took 16 minutes. therefore, to counterbalance the effects of varying treatment times on listening comprehension and vocabulary posttests in the three groups, mean words per minute and standard deviation per minute were also calculated in the descriptive statistics, as shown in table 11 and table 12 below.
table 11 descriptive data in listening task one
table 12 descriptive data in listening task two
as might be expected, in both tasks, group c achieved the highest mean scores on almost all items (listening comprehension, form, reception, and productiontests). however, considering the length of time given to each group, group a claimed the highest mean words per minute scores in all items except the production test of listening task one. therefore, it can be concluded that group a's listening comprehension was more efficient than the other two groups in terms of time given.
this section first presents results of the vocabulary pre-test and then the descriptive data of the two listening tasks. table 10 presents the average scores of the participants' self-reported knowledge of the ten words targeted for incidental vocabulary acquisition studies.
table 10 average of the participants' knowledge of the target words in the pilot study
as shown in the table above, two words, available and optimistic, reached an average of above 2 (4=i know the word well and can use it correctly; 0=i do not know the word at all), which meant half of the students may have already known these two words before the study, so the statistical data might not reflect the true acquisition. to achieve a more reliable analysis, in descriptive data the scores of the three vocabulary tests are presented in terms of percentage, with the already-known words subtracted from the total scores on the posttests.
another factor that had to be considered was the different amounts of time spent with each group. group a (listening one time) took 4 minutes, group b (listening three times) took 11 minutes, and group c (listening three times+pre-listening discussion) took 16 minutes. therefore, to counterbalance the effects of varying treatment times on listening comprehension and vocabulary posttests in the three groups, mean words per minute and standard deviation per minute were also calculated in the descriptive statistics, as shown in table 11 and table 12 below.
table 11 descriptive data in listening task one
table 12 descriptive data in listening task two
as might be expected, in both tasks, group c achieved the highest mean scores on almost all items (listening comprehension, form, reception, and productiontests). however, considering the length of time given to each group, group a claimed the highest mean words per minute scores in all items except the production test of listening task one. therefore, it can be concluded that group a's listening comprehension was more efficient than the other two groups in terms of time given.