5.3.1 results for listening comprehension
    table 39 descriptive statistics for listening comprehension scores of two cycles
    note. group a=listening one time; group b=listening three times; group c=schema raising+listening three times; group d=inferencing training+listening three times; m=mean; sd=standard deviation.
    as table 39 shows, the range in scores was considerable (i. e.0-10) and the groups varied in mean scores (i. e.4.07-8.09), indicating substantial variance in the sample as a whole. also, the means show that all groups scored higher in cycle 1 than in cycle 2, indicating that the tasks in cycle 2 were more difficult. groups b, c, and d scored markedly higher than group a (three-time listening vs. one-time listening). within the three-time listening groups, the mean scores of group c in both listening cycles were lower than those of groups b and d. whereas group b outscored groups c and d on listening comprehension in cycle 1, but this advantage was lost to group d in listening cycle 2.
    anova shows there was an overall statistically significant difference among the four groups in listening cycle 1 (df=3, f=23.980, p=.000, see table 1 in appendix e for the anova table of listening comprehension scores in cycle 1). a post hoc scheffe test (table 40) shows that group a scored significantly lower than groups b, c and d. however, the difference among the three-time listening groups was not statistically significant.
    table 40 scheffe test of differences in listening comprehension scores among the four groups in cycle 1
    the same phenomenon was observed in listening cycle 2. there was also an overall statistically significant difference among the four groups (df=3, f=12.009, p=.000, see table 2 in appendix e for the anova table of listening comprehension scores in cycle 2). a post hoc scheffe test (table 41) also shows that group a scored significantly lower than the other three groups, and again, the differences among groups b, c and d were not statistically significant.
    table 41 scheffe test of differences in listening comprehension scores among the four groups in cycle 2

