    01 i find a part-time job to supplement my income.
    part-time [pɑ:tta?m] adj. 兼职的
    supplement ['s?pl?m?nt] v. 补充
    1. i do a part-time job to increase my income. 我做兼职是为了增加收入。
    2. my mother gives private lessons to supplement her income.
    3. susan increases her income by working in the evenings.
    4. my grandmother decided to rent out a room to get extra income.
    julia: how much do you earn a week now?
    steven: my wages are 50 us dollars a week. and i find a part-time job to supplement my income.
    02 nancy earns her living by singing in a saloon.
    解析 ▲ earn one's living意为“谋生,维持生活”,其中living指“生计,生存之道”。“谋生”的另一个表达方式为make a living。
    1. i have nothing but a teacher's small pension. 我除了微薄的教师津贴外,没有其他收入。
    2. my wages are the principal source of my income. 工资是我收入的主要来源。
    3. my brother earns good money at the bank. 我哥哥在银行挣着高工资。
    4. aside from his meager savings, jack has no other resources to fall back on.
    5. they had little money. 他们没什么钱。
    nothing but 只有,只不过
    earn good money 赚大钱
    aside from 除……之外,既……又……
    03 my monthly income was just over 200 pounds.
    income ['?nk?m] n. 收入,收益
    1. i earn nearly £30,000 a year. 我一年挣了几乎三万英镑。
    2. my salary is us$2,000 per month.
    3. i got an annual increment of us$500 in salary. 我的薪水每年增加500美元。
    04 i have a decent income.
    解析 ▲ 此处decent为“相当好的”之意。此外,decent还有“正派的,得体的,(服装等)相称的”的意思,如decent people(正派的人)。
    1. he earns an incredible amount of money. 他挣的钱多得惊人。
    2. she earns a high salary. 她的工资很高。
    3. my income is increasing day by day. 我的收入日渐增加。
    4. my income was doubled this month. 这个月我的收入加倍。
    an amount of 一定量的
    05 he has to support his family with his meager income.
    support [s?'p?:t] v. 供养,支持
    meager ['mi:g?] adj. 贫乏的
    1. his income diminished. 他的收入减少了。
    2. their incomes are falling behind those of last year. 他们的收入少于去年。
    3. my salary is too small. 我的薪水太低了。
    4. she has a steady income. 她有稳定的收入。
    fall behind 落后;下降
    06 if you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear.
    cheap [t?i:p] adv. 便宜地
    dear [d??(r)] adv. 高价地
    1. money earns more in a high-interest account. 钱放在高利息的账户里获利更多。
    2. all his tricks for making money seem to fail. 他为赚钱而耍的花招似乎都会失败。
    3. i sold my house at a profit. 我卖房子赚了钱。
    4. mr. brown is very clever and never misses a chance to in improving his business. 布朗先生是个非常精明的人,从不错过赚钱的机会。
    at a profit 赚钱,获利
    07 i would rather remain poor than get money by dishonest means.
    解析 ▲ would rather do... than do...指“宁愿做……而不愿做……”。dishonest means(不当的手段)的means指“方法,手段”,means用于此意时,单复同形。
    1. tom is always looking for ways to make a fast buck. 汤姆总是在找可以快速赚钱的方法。
    2. i'm not going to sell my soul just to make money. 我不会为了赚钱而出卖自己的灵魂。
    3. if you want to make money, you've got to think about money.
    4. in order to earn enough money, he works late into night.
    make a fast buck 赚快钱,快速赚钱
    08 i make more money in this week than i did in a fortnight.
    解析 ▲ fortnight指“两星期”,因此原句也可以改为:i make more money in this week than i did in two weeks.
    1. he has earned as much money as i have. 他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。
    2. he has gained a lot of money these years. 这些年来,他挣了许多钱。
    3. it neither increased nor decreased my income.
    4. maybe we were just trying to make a quick buck. 大概是我们太急于赚钱了。
    5. he inherits his father's skill in making money. 他父亲赚钱的本领遗传给了他。
    6. mr. white always boasts of his ability to make money. 怀特先生老吹嘘他赚钱的本领。
    7. the young wage-earner often earns good money.
    steven: julia, i have good news for you.
    julia: what's up?
    steven: i have earned a lot of money this week, more than i did in a fortnight.
    09 my expenditure this month amounts to us$800.
    解析 ▲ amount to在此处为“共计”之意,可以用词组come to进行替换。此外,amount to还可以指“意味着,等同”,如:such assistance amounts to economic aggression.(这种的援助就等同于经济侵略。)
    expenditure [?k'spend?t??(r)] n. 支出,花费
    amount [?'ma?nt] v. 总计,合计
    1. i plunked down us$350 for a silver necklace. 我花了350美元买了条银项链。
    2. it will cost me 500 us dollars to repair the car. 修理这辆汽车要花了我500美元。
    3. our expenses average us$35 per day. 我们的支出为平均每天35美元。
    4. the monthly expenditure of our family is four hundred us dollars.
    10 a great deal of his money goes for rent.
    解析 ▲ go for在句中意思是“用于”。
    表示“大量的,许多”的词组:只修饰不可数名词的有a great/good deal of, a large amount of/large amounts of;只修饰可数名词的有a (large) number of, a good/great many, many a等;两者都可修饰的有a lot of/lots of, plenty of, a great/large quantity of。
    1. income and expenditure exactly balance. 收入和支出正好相抵。
    2. she spent one-third of her income on clothes and cosmetics.
    3. an annual holiday is a big expense. 一年一度的假日是一笔大开销。
    11 all this spending is a drain on my savings.
    drain [dre?n] n. 消耗,排水,下水道
    saving ['se?v??] n. 存款,节约
    1. my father has to defray my education. 我父亲得支付我的教育费用。
    2. my wife records our daily expenses. 我妻子将日常开销都记录下来。
    3. i'd rather economize on clothes and food than travel.
    4. old people shouldn't skimp on food or heating.
    economize on 节约,节省
    12 jack economizes by taking buses instead of taking taxis.
    instead和instead of的区别:instead为副词,意为“代替,反而”,通常放于句尾,放句首时多用逗号隔开;instead of与instead意思基本相同,但其为介词短语,其后跟宾语。
    economize [?'k?n?ma?z] v. 节约,节省
    instead [?n'sted] adv. 代替,顶替
    1. to save money, mother always buys many things during the bargain sale.
    2. he is trying to save money by walking to work. 为了省钱,他步行去上班。
    3. to save money, we travel by train. 为了省钱,我们乘坐火车旅行。
    4. to save money, we plan to take the bus. 为了省钱,我们打算坐公共汽车。
    13 we will save money as possible as we could.
    as...as...表示同级比较,指“和……一样”,两个as之间加入的成分为形容词或副词,如this book is as interesting as that one.(这本书和那本同样有趣。)
    1. we have to cut back on our shopping from now on.
    2. we have to control our expenses. 我们得控制花销。
    3. i'm short of money. i have to draw in my expenditure. 我缺钱,得节省开支。
    4. she saves money in every way she can. 她在各方面尽可能地省钱。
    _____ a tight hold is kept on the purse strings, a man can soon find that his family can not make the ends meet.
    a. if b. that c. unless d. when
    14 a penny saved is a penny earned.
    解析 ▲ saved和earned为过去分词作后置定语修饰penny,相当于定语从句that is saved和that is earned。
    penny ['pen?] n. 美分,便士
    save [se?v] v. 节省,节约,储存
    1. i had to save to pay for my holiday. 我必须节省开支以支付度假的费用。
    2. jack is saving for a house. 杰克正在省钱准备买房。
    3. he is saving to buy a computer. 为了买电脑,他正在节省开支。
    4. because our income sharply reduced, it is wise to keep a tight rein on our expenditure. 由于我们收入大幅减少,所以紧缩开支是很明智的。
    15 he contracted huge debts by rash spending.
    contract ['k?ntr?kt] v. 订约,负(债等)
    rash [r??] adj. 轻率的,鲁莽的,不顾后果的
    1. he is always spending. 他挥霍成性。
    2. my brother flings his money about on luxuries. 我弟弟把钱浪费在一些奢侈品上。
    3. she spends too much on clothes. 她在衣着上花费太大。
    4. if you want to waste your money, that's your own lookout.
    5. you have wasted your money on unnecessaries.
    fling about 乱扔,乱花钱,发号施令
    16 my husband's weekly lunch bills exceed my monthly income.
    解析 ▲ 此处exceed指“超过,超出(某数量、数字等)”,此外exceed还可以指“超出,超越(限制、规定等)”,如:he was exceeding the speed limit.
    bill [b?l] n. 账单,票据
    monthly ['m?nθl?] adj. 每月的
    1. house repairs, holidays and other expenses almost cost all my bank balance.
    2. it's too expensive for me to own a car. 对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。
    3. john gives his children the best education that money can buy.
    4. running a car is a great expense. 开一辆汽车开支很大。
    17 do you think the rest of your salary will cover our daily expenses?
    cover ['k?v?(r)] v. 包括,覆盖,支付
    daily ['de?l?] adj. 日常的,每日的
    1. how much do you spend each week? 你每星期花多少钱?
    2. what is the expense of moving house? 搬家的花费是多少?
    3. have you figured out the expenses? 你把花销都算出来了吗?
    4. my expenditure is restricted by income. 我的支出受收入的制约。
    5. our expenses are mounting. 我们的花销在增加。
    6. i disputed with my wife on household expenses. 我和妻子就家庭费用产生了争论。
    dispute with sb on sth 与某人争论某事
    18 if we go on like this, we will surely go into the red.
    like [la?k] prep. 像,如同
    surely ['???li:] adv. 当然,无疑
    1. i can not make ends meet. 我入不敷出。
    2. i'm us$500 in the red this month. 我这个月负债500美元。
    3. i am in debt again this month. 我这个月又入不敷出了。
    4. the accounts show we have spent more than we received.
    5. they are often disturbed by trade deficit. 他们常常被贸易赤字困扰。
    make ends meet 使收支相抵
    in the red 有赤字,亏损
    in debt 欠债
    19 we've got to tighten our belt.
    解析 ▲ 动词tighten意为“收紧,(使)变紧”,belt有“腰带,带状物”之意,短语tighten one's belt指的是“束紧腰带,节约度日”。
    1. i'm on strict budget. 我现在预算很紧。
    2. we have to control our spending. 我们必须控制支出了。
    3. i'm robbing peter to pay paul. 我拆东墙补西墙。
    4. i'll dig into my savings. 我将动用我的存款。
    rob peter to pay paul 借新债还旧账,拆东墙补西墙
    20 us$500 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.
    entertainment ['ent?'te?nm?nt] n. 娱乐,消遣
    restaurant ['restr?nt] n. 餐馆,饭店
    1. we need to figure out how much money we're spending and where we are spending it. 我们需要算算我们要花多少钱而且都要花在什么地方。
    2. we spent us$1,000 on our home loan payment, us$400 on groceries, and us$400 on entertainment last month.我们上个月有房屋贷款1,000美元,食品杂货400美元和400美元的娱乐消费。
    3. that means we don't have receipts for us$225. 那意味着我们有225美元的支出没有收据。
    4. i've spent all my extra money this month. 我这个月已经把零花钱都花光了。
    5. i need to spend at least us$100 on books every month.
    home loan payment 房屋贷款
    21 from now on, we should record every income and expense.
    解析 ▲ from now on指“从现在开始,从今以后”,与之意思相似的表达为in future,因此该句可以改为:we should record every income and expense in future.
    record [r?'k?:d] v. 记录,记载,标明
    expense [?k'spens] n. 消费,开支
    1. we have to manage our money. 我们必须做好金钱的管理。
    2. we should regulate our spending. 我们应该控制花费。
    3. i think we should save more. 我想我们该多存一些钱了。
    4. we can deposit us$1,500 in the bank every month.
    5. we have to set aside money for emergency use. 我们必须留出一笔钱来应急。
    6. we could eat in more. 我们可以多在家里吃饭。
    22 if you want to buy a house, you should take a leaf out of my book and start saving money.
    解析 ▲ take a leaf out of someone's book原指抄袭他人的笔记、作业或剽窃他人的作品等不诚实行为,现一般指“向某人学习,以某人为榜样”。
    1. you should spend less on your clothes. 你应该在服装上少花些钱。
    2. we will put all your salary into our savings account, and set aside 30% of my salary as our son's education fund.
    3. i think more money should be spent on education.
    4. if we save more money, we can retire earlier and enjoy life better.
    education fund 教育基金
    23 mom keeps advising me to save some money for a rainy day.
    a rainy day指“雨天,穷困的日子”,而for a rainy day则指的是“以防不时之需,未雨绸缪”。
    1. don't spend money without thinking about the next day.
    2. in the long run, one should save money for emergencies.
    3. never spend your money before having it. 钱未到手,切莫花费。
    4. spend not where you may save; spare not where you must spend.
    24 it is wrong to focus on short-term rather than long-term gains.
    short-term [??:t t?:m] adj. 短期的
    long-term [l?? t?:m] adj. 长期的
    1. i'm interested in money management. 我对资金管理很感兴趣。
    2. i'm going to manage money better. 我要更好地管理资金。
    3. you can see that it will benefit you to save money.
    money management 资金管理

